Friday, March 18, 2016

Laravel Tech Event

Last wednesday 16th December 2016
           There was a laravel conference organised at Activ Spaces Buea. This conference was to start a larave community in the techosystem of Buea  #siliconMountain. In recent times technology community of buea has experienced significant growth as there has been the appereance of various technology organisations, startups and other tech communities. With this growth and given the fact that the majority of the developers of this techosystem are web orriented, it is very neccesary that there be a laravel coomunity to make these web developers even stronger and inter dependent. 
          This event started at 4 pm and was hosted by active spaces. It involved a vivid introduction to the laravel php framework to those who were new to it and also an explicit talk was given on the advantages of using the framework. 
           There will be many more of such events in the community and they wil all help to boost develpers in the silicon mountain tech milieu. The event was a very interesting one and was also very interactive. it also led to the introduction of some newbies into the laravel community and a better view for web programming in the silicon mountain community.

on saturday 19th march 2016 there will be another tech event still at Activ spaces Buea